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  • Transaction Viewer

    The Transaction Viewer will be used to search for imported transactions, check the assigned labels, correct any incorrect labels, and provide feedback.


    • container: HTMLElement

      parent HTML element where the widget will be injected

    • Optional target: string

      URL of the environment from which the widget's JS bundle will be fetched. Use this, for example, when testing features that are only released to the sandbox environment. By default, https://widget-library-finapi-general-live.finapi.io is used.

    • Optional ownerDocument: Document

      parent Document where the widget will be injected. For example, shadow root or document fragment. By default, the default top-level document is used.

    • Optional customBundleFileName: string

      allows modifying the filename of the widget's JS bundle that will be fetched. This property is useful during dev mode when widgets are generated together into one main.js file.

    Returns TransactionViewer


  • Removes the web component from the DOM.

    Returns void

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